Deadlines in the publishing industry are tight and challenging, but the payoff is worth the effort. There is something satisfying about holding a fresh publication in your hands that has your name on it. These are just a selection of pages from some favourites I designed.

Chris Burkard travel feature.

Craig Andersonl feature.

Feature on artist Nathan Ledyard.

Steph Gilmore feature.

Bede Durbridge feature opening spread.

Feature on the battle for the world title.

Waves featuring the photography of Ray Collins.

Cluster Flick feature.

Style feature, Technique issue.

Taj Burrow feature.

Jessica Mc’Coy feature.

Pipeline Scrapbook feature.

Hot 100 ‘No Signal, No Worries’ feature.

Gabriel Medina feature.

Aftermath Cover.

Shapers feature.

Methodology feature, Technique issue.

Waves issue cover.

Technique issue.

Mike Coots’ inspiring cover.

Jack Robinson feature, Surfers issue.

Bathymetry feature, Waves issue.

Desert Remix feature, Travel issue.